You might have come across a situation where you needed to edit the hosts file, but after you have done your edits and wanted to save your file, an error message appeared stating that you can't save into system directory. In this post I'm going to show you step by step how to edit your hosts file in both Windows 8 and 10 and get rid of permissions error.

  1. Go to windows Search bar
  2. Search for notepad
  3. right click on Notepad and click on "open as administrator"
  4. Click YES in prompted UAC window
  5. In Notepad click on file > open
  6.  In the name field paste this path C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts
  7. Click open
  8. Do your edits then save
That's all now you can edit your hosts and any system file using this method.

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Mustafa N-b


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